Civil Engineering

Development Application Engineering
Bespoke provide all necessary civil engineering documentation needed to achieve a development approval for any councils. We have a strong history of great success with all Queensland councils. Our knowledge of stormwater runoff control and water quality objectives, ensure that we are able to achieve the best results for any development site.
Bespoke Staff have extensive experience with MUSIC, Drains, 12D, Hecras, Rafts, WBMN, XP Storm, Tuflow, h2onet, EPAnet, PC Drain, PC Sewer and many other specialist engineering programs. We have developed spreadsheets for technical calculations and have strict quality assurance systems in place.
Regardless of the size of the project we can provide the civil engineering service that every individual project will require.
The following is the list of typical engineer’s reports we can provide for the development application process:
Stormwater Quantity Management Plans
Stormwater Quality Management Plans
Flood Impact Assessments
Overland Flow Studies
Services Reports
Code Compliance Reports
Preliminary Earthworks
Costal Management Reports
Habitable Floor Level Analysis
Traffic Impact Assessments
Engineering Environmental Management Plan
Flooded Development Emergency Action Strategy
Water Network Analysis
Sewerage Network Analysis
Benefit Area Agreements

Infrastructure Planning Analysis
Infrastructure Planning and Analysis
There is always a need to look to the future and ensure the infrastructure we create today is able to cope in 30 even 50 years’ time. At Bespoke we work with the local authorities to design and prepare this infrastructure. We ensure all objectives are met, by use of complex analysis of systems and efficiencies while working with other disciplines.
We have experience in suburb and town water reticulation analysis, including water allocation and quality, Sewerage network capacity and other infrastructure requirements such as schools, airports, shops and similar.
Understanding and being part of these processes ensures that when we give advice, we understand the implications and possible costs that may be involved.
Infrastructure Design
We have extensive experience in delivering the design of critical infrastructure, whether that be a towns water supply, suburb reservoirs, or trunk sewer connection. Our aim is to deliver this infrastructure with no fuss and fast. We understand that these projects regularly hinder development and are always on critical time lines.

Road Design
Road design is involved in most projects, we have successfully provided road geometry designs necessary to facilitate all manner of project, whether that be an intersection upgrade, subdivision roads or main roads upgrade, we have done it all.
We use a combination of civil programs such as 12d to ensure the right design is achieved for the development. We understand that road design is not just designing a road; it involves the consideration of many other elements, to determine the best road geometry. We are familiar with all Main Roads and Australian Road standards, as well as relevant council to ensure compliance with all the design standards.

Above Image: 7001 Berrigan street, Redbank Plains. Bespoke successfully completed the above road design for 138 dwellings.
From the initial concept to detailed design, cost estimating, consent applications, cost schedules, and construction monitoring, we provide a complete service for residential, commercial and industrial land development.
How is a subdivision specialist different from any other civil engineer? Unlike other engineers we never stopped designing subdivisions when the mining boom started. A subdivision specialist knows how to fit all the elements of projects together, we see the big picture, and know how the details go together to create the best and most economical solution to suit the site and the developer.
When it comes to subdivisions we have more than ten years experience with design and managing approvals through to construction for projects all over Queensland, Northern New South Wales, and overseas. Whether it be a steep site or a flat site we know the possible pitfalls and what to expect.
We work closely with council to ensure the approval process is smooth and council is on side when applications are lodged. This in-tern ensures fast turnaround of approvals and reduces the risk of time blow outs.

Traffic Engineering
Bespoke, the traffic engineering and traffic impact assessment specialists to assist with a change of use, new development, and redevelopment.
We are underpinned by key staff experienced in providing traffic engineering, traffic impact and parking impact assessment reports to assist with planning applications, often referred to simply as a traffic report, traffic study, engineering assessment by a suitably qualified traffic engineer or traffic management report to address site specific operational and/or safety concerns. We review and provide design input on access, car parking and site servicing layouts as per AS2890.1 and AS2890.2 requirements.
Parking layout design based on local government statutory requirements and/or AS290.1:2004.
Site servicing layout design based on local government statutory requirements and/or AS2890.2:2002 and the dimensions of the nominated waste management contractor's truck.
Vehicle swept path assessments and compliance advice.
Ground clearance diagrams.
Traffic data collection - traffic volumes, parking beats, vehicle gaps and vehicle speeds.
Parking shortfall assessments based on parking beat survey findings, shared use of off-site spaces over time, short and long term duration of stay (turnover) and accessibility to public transport services.
Intersection performance assessment using SIDRA.
Intersection performance assessment using gap analyses, at sites where traditional 'black-box' analyses do not accurately reflect site conditions.
Traffic control plans and traffic management plans for roadworks and events.
Parking management plans.
Signage and line-marking plans.
Traffic signal plans.
Street lighting modelling and plans.
Green travel plans - an increasingly common requirement for inner city municipalities where the parking impact exceeds a certain threshold.
Main road site access feasibility assessments.
Intersection functional layout plans as per Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 4A.
RPEQ traffic engineering reports.

Hydraulic Engineering
Bespoke Engineering has the capability in house to provide you with Hydraulic Engineering plans to suite your development.
Class 1 residential and commercial structures. We are up to date with the current energy efficiency ratings and can provide alternative solutions to traditional hydraulic systems.
Our services include:
Internal Hydraulic Engineering for Hot & Cold Water
Sanitary Drainage
Stormwater Drainage

Traffic Impact Assessment
Traffic impact assessment or transport impact assessment (TIA) is to assess the impacts of developments on the transport network and identify practical solutions to address these impacts. The majority of planning proposals have the potential to result in changes to vehicle and/or pedestrian movements. A TIA identifies any changes that may potentially lead to reduced levels of safety and efficiency and provides solutions to ensure the surrounding transport network is amended to suit the changes that will manifest as a result of the proposed development.
TIA reports are vital documents enabling planning decisions to be based on the principles of sustainable development. Our team has experience in all areas of TIAs and we pride ourselves on delivering innovative and cost-effective solutions on traffic and transport matters.

Stormwater Management and Hydraulic / Flood Analysis
Stormwater management entails two key elements in the development application process and often decides if the project proceeds or fails to get off the ground. We understand the importance of these two elements, and ensure we are on the cutting edge of technology available to ensure, we deliver the best possible solution for the project.
We have an extensive knowledge of all the regulations and requirements and actively take an interest in the storm water Industry Association. We have taken part in the Industry reform forums and are aware of how engineering design can influence the results.
We are up to date with the latest water quality design requirements and unlike other engineers we don’t just propose bio retention, because it is the quickest way to get an approval (unless that is the client’s objection of course). We have had great success with alternative treatment methods such as storm water 360 devices and artificial wetland and similar biological treatment methods. We also stand for what is reasonable and are prepared to negotiate with the authorities to get the best outcome for the all our development site.
Hydraulic / Flood Analysis
Flood effected development sites are becoming more and more common as all the good development land is no longer there. We have specialist engineers to analyze the flood effect, to determine how the water storage areas can be altered to enable development to happen, without creating any detrimental flooding on neighboring properties.
Drainage Studies
We regularly conduct analysis of existing drainage systems to rectify problems; or augmentation to accommodate new developments.
The Industry standard response to increased runoff from a development site is to provide detention; this is not the only solution. At Bespoke we review our projects to see if there is an alternative more feasible option before proposing detention. In doing this often developments gain developable space and even increased yield.

Sediment And Erosion Control
We are practicing sediment and erosion control specialists. We are not just an engineer who prepare and erosion and sediment drawing and hope for the best. We create sediment and erosion control programs and then during construction we monitor and adjust the design, to ensure minimal transportation of silt occurs.
This is not where we end; we extend our knowledge of erosion control into our design to ensure the end development looks and stays the way they were intended. You won’t find ugly, scoured out soils or collapsed embankments that make both of us look bad, in any of our development deigns. You will only find stable and protected areas.